If your skills match our requirements, please send your resumes in Word format with the Job ID as the subject to jobs@coreedge.net, also include your salary requirements, immigration status (if any) and availability.

For hot IT jobs in the field of Web Design, J2EE technology, Microsoft Solutions, Mainframe and Unix Environments, Database Administration, send us your updated resume. We also have Engineering Job requirements.

Coreedge is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).

Middlware Windows Hosting

Job ID
Job Position
Job Duration
Long term
Auburn Hills MI
Skill Requi​remen​t:​ É​¥evel​op​ and maintain Infra​struc​ture​ Archi​tectu​re​ Design Docum​entat​ion: ​ ɱar​ticip​ate​ and at times lead a review of appli​catio​n​ perfo​rmanc​e ɱ​roact​ive​ reviews of capacity and initiate efforts to remediate ɳe​spons​ible​ for E2E stability of envir​onmen​ts É​±roac​tive​ Problem manag​ement​ É´M​E​ point of contact for appli​catio​n​ and infra​struc​ture​ teams É¥R compliance parti​cipat​ion​ and lead if needed
Required Skills
Optional Skills
Last Date for Applying
Mail your Resume to
jobs@coreedge.net mentioning the JOB ID in the subject line
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