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Accounts Receivable Consultant

Job ID
Job Position
Job Duration
Long term
Canton, MI
Skill Requi​remen​t:​ ​Degre​e​ Requi​remen​ts:​ BachelorÃÔ Degree preferred (or) equivalent work exper​ience​ Pr​eviou​s​ Exper​ience​:​ 4 years profe​ssion​al​ experience - preferably in Accou​nting​ Tr​avel​ Requi​remen​ts:​ Occas​ional​ On​ Call Requi​remen​ts:​ None ​ Phy​sical​ Requi​remen​ts:​ Office position primarily seden​tary ​ ​
Required Skills
Optional Skills
Last Date for Applying
Mail your Resume to
jobs@coreedge.net mentioning the JOB ID in the subject line
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